Cute Kitty!

Cute Kitty!
Cute Kitty!

Another Cute Kitty!

Another Cute Kitty!
Another Cute Kitty!

Yet ANOTHER Cute Kitty!

Yet ANOTHER Cute Kitty!
Yet ANOTHER Cute Kitty!

Pop Tart #1!

Pop Tart #1!
Pop Tart #1!

Pop Tart #2!

Pop Tart #2!
Pop Tart #2!

About Me

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Novato, California, United States
HIIII. Aki/Autumn here! I love pop tarts and toaster strudels can suck Justine Bieber's balls, wait, she doesn't have balls!!! LOL

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oh Yes, It's Time

Another update? So soon?

........You may be wondering. Yes, another update is GREATLY needed. You know why? Because I have pneumonia!! EEP!!

It started Wednesday afternoon. I felt really sick, so I slept until 7, where I got my temperature taken. 103.

I had to stay home on Thursday. I slept all day. I hoped with all my heart I would be able to go to school on Friday because 1.) We had a fundraiser, and if you sell 6 items, you get to go on a game truck and get 2 hours off of school AND 2.) I had my very first Girl Scouts meeting at 5 on Friday)

It was Friday. I had no hope because my temperature went down to 100, but it was still bad.

I woke back up at 9:30 to go to the bathroom, then sat on the couch because it hurt to stand. I was also upset.

The day passed by, and I wasn't getting better. I got worse throughout the day, and I never got to have a happy fun time.

On Saturday, I was still very sick, so we went to the ER. We did all this stuff, and x-rays, and they found stuff in my lungs. Dr. Thompson came back and said "So... You have pneumonia."

Hm. It totally sucks because I have to take LIQUID MEDICINE!!!! And I can't go to school, so I have nothing to do! And my mom is getting my homework from Wednesday, Friday, Monday, Today, and tomorrow tomorrow (Hope that doesn't sound weird. "Tomorrow tomorrow")

So I have so much homework to do! Why does this have to happen to me? :(

1 comment:

Agnes ♡ said...

wow, that's really bad :(

Mm... Yum...

Mm... Yum...
Mm... Yum...

Cool! Pop Tart Earings!

Cool! Pop Tart Earings!
Cool! Pop Tart Earings!